Electric Stimulation
At West Side Chiropractic Massage and Acupuncture
At West Side Chiropractic Massage and Acupuncture
Electric muscle stimulation is a method of chiropractic care in which electric currents are sent through the muscles in order to make them contract. Therapy generally lasts no longer than 10 minutes. During that time, you will likely feel a tingling sensation and experience a repetitive tensing in the muscle. However, therapy should never be painful. When doing therapy, sticky electrode pads will be placed on your skin around the area that needs to be targeted with stimulation. Perhaps the greatest benefit is its ability to speed up the recovery process during injury rehabilitation, helping to relieve pain in the back of legs, reduce swelling, and promote general muscle toning.
Helps reactivate muscle response while recovering from surgery or injury. EMS can enhance engagement in therapeutic activities and weaknesses.
Helps retrain muscles to respond tot he body’s natural signals and build strength by causing repeated contractions.
For patients who have suffered an injury or paralysis, EMS is a way for patents to keep muscles active and maintain muscle tone.
Patients living with chronic pain can benefit from this type of therapy as it utilizes a different wavelength that targets nerves int he body by blocking the activity of pain receptors sending signals of discomfort tot he brain.