Spinal Adjustment
At West Side Chiropractic Massage and Acupuncture
At West Side Chiropractic Massage and Acupuncture
At West Side Chiropractic Massage and Acupuncture our examination procedures are geared toward detecting and correcting these misalignments. Our procedures are specifically selected for your spine and nervous system health. This will make each chiropractic adjustment specific to the patient’s spine and relieve the overall pressure that is being placed upon the nerves.
One of the biggest misconceptions of how misalignments of the vertebra take place is from experiencing some sort of major accident or injury when in actuality the majority of misalignments take place from everyday stresses. (ex. Repetitive bending, lifting, driving, sitting… life stresses.) When these vertebrae misalign, they will then pinch the corresponding nerve and this is what cause the discomfort and symptoms the patient is experiencing.
Our spines are the VERY first thing to develop when we are in the womb. The job of the spine is to protect all of the nerves that stem from the spine. These nerves then branch off and go to EVERY body part and ALL the organs. The nervous system is the main line of communication to the entire body!
The main job of the spine and the vertebrae are to protect these nerves. When looking at the spine from the back, each vertebra should be nice and straight and they all should move freely. Therefore, when we bend and twist and turn, the vertebrae will bend and twist and turn, all while protecting these nerves.